

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Fitness, Freedom, and Reality TV

Confession: I LOVE REALITY TV. You can tell me 100x that it is not reality, but so help me...I cannot get enough of it. Why? I fall in love with the people, I resonate with their stories, and I feel like I get to be a part of their story (even if by just cheering for them along the way). But before you peg me as one to sit at home night after night watching any and every reality TV show imaginable, I should clarify. I am particularly fond of two shows. 
1. Survivor
2. The Biggest Loser
Admittedly I got hooked on Biggest Loser while in college. A few friends and I would get together each week, eat junk food as we watched the contestants work out, and then try the exercises they did in the show during the commercials. Probably not what the creators of the show were hoping to inspire in their viewers, but it was fun.
With the Biggest Loser, although I loved being able to see how far each contestant had come, the parts of the show I loved the most were when you got to hear the stories of the contestants. The moments when the trainer would take them outside of the gym and they would sit on the stairs and dig into the deeper parts of why they gained the weight, why they believe the lies they do about themselves, etc. I think the reason I loved this was because it was in some of those moments that the contestants began to experience FREEDOM. Something I believe we all long for, whether we know and acknowledge it or not.
I had NO IDEA that I would encounter similar moments in my own journey towards living a healthier life...because I thought that was "just on TV".
Fairly soon after I began pursuing a healthier lifestyle I joined on as a coach because I wanted to pursue and share with others the results I was experiencing. I quickly realized that although this was a perfectly good reason to do so, when faced with opposition it was not a strong enough reason for me to stick with coaching. When push came to shove, it would be easier for me to just quit than to worry about what others thought or would say to me about promoting the product that has been changing my life so drastically.
The thing is...I don't want to quit. I really enjoy sharing the knowledge I've been learning, watching my friends and family experience their own AMAZING results, and celebrating FREEDOM with them.
So I began my search for WHY. What is it that is a non-negotiable for me when it comes to coaching? What is it that will hold up against judgment? What is it that stirs a fire in me to push forward? I really wrestled through what I had gained the most from my own experience and why I passionately wanted to share it with others.
Here is where I landed.
I am learning to live in FREEDOM – in FAR more than a physical way.
What is funny is that it was not in the walls of a church, on a missions trip, or while leading worship that God led me into these particular revelations of His freedom for me...this time, it was through something as simple as a workout program.
As a worship leader I always drive home the idea to my bands that we cannot expect to lead others into a place we don’t already know ourselves. And we certainly cannot expect others to follow us into the presence of God if we are leading them there blindly. I think the same is true here.
So here is my dream and my heart behind my pursuit of coaching. I want to lead others into FREEDOM! Through the medium of a fitness program, a challenge group (for community and support), and nutrition, I want to give people an opportunity to experience freedom (maybe even for the first time) physically, financially, and also in those deeper parts of who they are.
I don’t want to spiritualize working out, but I think our physical often reflects some of our deeper roots and I don’t think it is beyond the Lord to use something that I am becoming passionate about (like pursuing health and fitness), to share His truth and freedom.
When I think about journeying with others through health and fitness with this as an end goal, I could care less what others think about me pursuing it…because it has nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with Jesus…and that is my greatest passion. HE is my why.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen Extreme Weight Loss? We used to be big fans of The Biggest Loser, but we've since switched to EWL. It's a good show!
